Raimonds Vējonis
“Latvia considers expansion of cooperation with countries, with which potential of cooperation has not been used in full so far, as an important objective of foreign policy,” stressed President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis during accreditation of the Ambassador of Indonesia, Mongolia, and Saudi Arabia to Latvia on Tuesday, April 19.


During the meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Indonesia Bagas Hapsoro, the President of Latvia appreciated bilateral political dialogue between the countries and mentioned willingness of Latvia to strengthen it both by means of regular exchange of visits and meeting officials in international fora, including forthcoming ASEM (European Union - Asian) Summit of Heads of State in summer. He also highlighted that Latvia was interested in expanding economic cooperation with Indonesia and mentioned tourism and trade among the areas be potentially developed henceforth.


During accreditation visit of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia Nemekh Bataa, the President of Latvia stressed that Latvia intended to intensify the political dialogue with the Mongolian state authorities by developing preconditions for economic cooperation and cooperation in education.


Raimonds Vējonis pointed out that he intended to attend the ASEM Summit planned in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, this year by highly appreciating contribution of Mongolia in organizing the ASEM Summit. The President of Latvia also reminded about the invitation extended to President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj to visit Latvia.


While accrediting Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Naif Al Aboud, the President of Latvia expressed satisfaction with the appointment of the first Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Latvia. He said that Latvia appreciated such step and hoped that it would expand and activate the cooperation between the two countries, and he also noted Latvia’s readiness to appoint its Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. When evaluating the existing constructive bilateral relations at the political level, both officials noted that there were many opportunities for intensification thereof.


The President of Latvia reaffirmed the interest of Latvia to activate the parliamentary cooperation by highlighting that there was a group established at the Saeima (Latvian Parliament) for cooperation with the Consultative Assembly (Parliament) of Saudi Arabia.


Raimonds Vējonis also confirmed that Latvia was interested in promotion of economic cooperation and diversification of exports with Saudi Arabia. The collocutors discussed cooperation between the two countries in education and culture in particular. The President of Latvia pointed to Latvia’s interest in cooperating in the field of education by saying that it was possible to learn Arabic language, history, culture, and literature at the University of Latvia. In its turn, the Arab Cultural Center in Latvia offered an opportunity to Latvian public to get to know the Arab culture and developed a number of international projects.