Raimonds Vējonis
“Joining the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an opportunity for economic and social development of our country. Regardless of the specific date of accession, accession to the OECD is an important objective for Latvia,” said President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis at the meeting with Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis today, March 23.


When discussing the negotiation progress of Latvia’s accession to the OECD, the President of Latvia noted that the OECD expert evaluations and recommendations made have been an incentive for implementing reforms in management of public corporations and enabled strengthening its ability to fight corruption in international business transactions.


“Participation in the OECD is an opportunity to use experience and knowledge of the most developed countries in the world to arrange the areas that are important for further development of our country,” stressed the President of Latvia.


The officials agreed that Latvia has fulfilled the necessary homework so that Latvia could join the OECD in the nearest future. Raimonds Vējonis called on the Prime Minister and the government to continue active work and to ensure that the councils of public corporations are formed in accordance with the OECD principles, with particular attention being paid to corporations in transportation industry that provide significant contribution to the Latvian economy. The President of Latvia also called on taking necessary measures to ensure efficient supervision of the financial system.


“The fight against corruption and money laundering, supervision of financial system, anti money laundering and terrorism financing are long-term interests of Latvia,” emphasized the President of Latvia.


During a weekly meeting, the officials discussed the issue of terrorist attacks committed in Brussels and the security situation in the country. Māris Kučinskis confirmed that the services in charge worked more intensely and the threat of terrorism in the country remained low.


In order to tackle common issues of national security, Raimonds Vējonis informed about convene of a regular meeting of the National Security Council in April this year.