Foreign policy Egils Levits
Darba vizītes delegācija sēž Islandes parlamentā

Based on an invitation by President of Iceland Mr Guðni Th. Jóhannesson on 25 and 26 August the presidents and ministers of foreign affairs of the three Baltic States are on a working visit in Reykjavik where they are marking Iceland’s historic decision on 22 August 1991 to become the first country in the world to recognise the restored independence of the Baltic States.

On 25 August when addressing the President of Iceland, President Levits emphasised that Latvia will always highly appreciate the fact that Iceland never recognised the incorporation of the Baltic States into the USSR: “You have always stood up for the principles of international order and sovereignty, democracy and human rights.”

“Iceland broke the geopolitical ice. You were the first to recognise our restored independence, and you will forever be cherished in the memory of our nation as a courageous state that is not afraid to stand up for what is right. Today, Ukraine is fighting for its freedom, and therefore it is so very clear to all of us why we need to stand up the people of Ukraine,” President Levits said when addressing the oldest parliament in Europe – the Althing.

In turn, during a meeting with the Speaker of the Parliament of Iceland Mr Birgir Ármannsson and members of the parliament, the presidents of Latvia and Estonia attested to a mutual interest to strengthen the close cooperation between modern Nordic countries and the Baltic States, especially in the areas of security and energy.

President of Latvia Egils Levits also highlighted the role of small states in defending international justice and the rule of law, as well as multilateralism.

25.08.2022. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits ieradies darba vizītē Islandē
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