Raimonds Vējonis
On 23 and 24 August 2017, President of the Federal Republic of Germany Frank Walter Steinmeier and Elk Biden-Bander will pay an official visit to Germany in the framework of his visit to the Baltic States.


During the visit, the parties plan to discuss Germany’s contribution to strengthening security of the Baltic States, the bilateral economic relations between Latvia and Germany, as well as cooperation in the field of media and vocational education. They will also discuss EU-NATO cooperation issues, relations with Russia, the situation in Ukraine, and the relations with the Eastern Partnership countries.



We do hereby invite the media to be accredited for covering the visit!


To be accredited for the visit, please send us the following information about each person, who requires accreditation, to the Chancery of the President of Latvia to the e-mail: prese@president.lv by 17:00 on August 11:


1. Name of a media,

2. Name, surname,

3. Identity number,

4. Position in the media,

5. Contact phone number,

6. An editor's name, surname, and contact phone number.


We will inform you about the detailed program of the visit and media opportunities separately.


Please note that accreditation applications received after the deadline may not be processed, as well as that the Chancery of the President of Latvia reserves the right to refuse accreditation, because of restrictions of the space.