Raimonds Vējonis
President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis outlined during his meeting with Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People’s Republic of China Mr Zhang Dejiang today that China was a very important partner for Latvia, with whom we intended to intensify co-operation, therefore the active exchange of visits between the two countries was gratifying.


The President of Latvia pointed out that China was the most important partner in economic cooperation for Latvia in the Far East and the second largest trading partner outside the European Union. Latvian exports to China increased by 8.5% in 2016 confirming that it was a promising market for Latvian goods and services.


“While developing the bilateral economic cooperation, Latvia supports incoming investment from China in Latvia’s infrastructure of transport and logistics sector, which is an important transit hub on the way from Asia to Northern Europe. Opening direct air flight connections between Latvia and China can also facilitate closer economic ties and tourism co-operation,” stated Raimonds Vējonis.


During the meeting, Zhang Dejiang appreciated the ever-closer relationship between China and Latvia that made intensifying both political and economic cooperation possible. “The developed infrastructure, knowledge, and availability of information technology in Latvia provide excellent opportunities to develop economic relations between China and Latvia, and other countries in the region,” said Zhang Dejiang.


The President of Latvia acknowledged that Latvian food traders had already gained remarkable success in the Chinese market and that there were good prospects for cooperation pharmaceuticals, wood processing, and tourism, thus China was one of the priority target markets in distant tourism for Latvia. “Enhancing legal framework between Latvia and China in education, science, and culture is as important,” stated the President of Latvia. He expressed satisfaction both for the growing number of Chinese students in Latvian universities and cooperation among the scientific and research institutions.


The President of Latvia also noted that the visit of Zhang Dejiang was an excellent follow up to the official visit of the Prime Minister of China and 16+1 Summit of Heads of Government in Riga at the end of last year. He stressed that it confirmed both the potential of bilateral cooperation and the 16 + 1 format as the successful co-operation tool. He also welcomed the active exchange of visits and regular and constructive parliamentary dialogue between Latvia and China.