Raimonds Vējonis
When addressing the Congress of the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments in Alūksne on Friday, 18 August 2017, President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis called on the leaders of local governments to continue the reforms in the education system, by stressing that the decisions on changes would determine the future opportunities of Latvia.


“I am fully aware that converting a secondary school into a primary school and closing a school can be a very painful decision that affects almost all the areas of the life in a municipality. However, thinking about the organization of the school network, I encourage focusing on the child who has the right to receive high-quality education regardless of who his or her parents are and where he or she lives. When deciding to streamline the school network, we do not primarily consider the issue of jobs or buildings, as we decide the fate of our children,” stated Raimonds Vējonis.


The President of Latvia suggested that local governments would explain the process of change to the population who should know how they would be affected and how their municipal funds were managed.


"I believe that when discussions are held about the impact of government decisions on tax changes, reforms in the education system and the health system, it would be necessary to assess the functions and expenditures of local governments. Before requesting additional funds, one must understand the cost of current municipal functions and services, as well as assess the opportunities to organize the operation of a local government more efficiently within the limits of available funds. We all must work effectively,” said the President of Latvia.


Having thanked the leaders of local governments for the work done for the benefit of the population and wished the success in the future endeavours, Raimonds Vējonis emphasised that they were entrusted huge responsibility.


"You are the ones responsible for creating an environment so that the success in personal life and in professional life will be first formed and cherished at one’s native place. It is very important that also after having gained experience in studying or working abroad people would like to return and share their experience in their own municipality at some moment of time,” stated the President of Latvia in his address to the participants of the Congress of the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments.