Edgars Rinkēvičs
skats no augšas uz koncerta norisi

On 9 December in the Riga Castle on the initiative of the President Edgars Rinkēvičs, the tradition of honouring people from various fields for their work for Latvia with a concert is renewed.

This musical tradition was started by composer Raimonds Pauls during the presidency of President Guntis Ulmanis. Therefore, this musical tradition is revived by actor Andris Keišs and the Maestro himself at the piano.

The first families to be invited to the event are those who have met with President Rinkēvičs during his visits to Latvia's regions and who are doing business in Krāslava, Kuldīga, Balvi, Ādaži, Talsi and Jēkabpils municipalities. The concert invites Latvian cultural personalities who celebrated important anniversaries this year.

09.12.2023. Koncerts “Mūzika Rīgas pilī. Raimonds Pauls. Andris Keišs”
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