Egils Levits
Rīgas pilī svinīgi atzīmēs Latvijas–Krievijas miera līguma parakstīšanas 100. gadadienu
On Tuesday, 11 August, at 14:00 at Riga Castle an official event will be held in honour of the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Latvia-Russia Peace Treaty. During the event documentary footage compiled by Latvian Television upon the request from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled “Latvia-Russia Peace Treaty – 100” will be demonstrated,and the original document will also be on display.

To mark the historic event, the audience will be addressed by President of Latvia Egils Levits, Speaker of the Saeima Ināra Mūrniece and Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš. Afterwards, the ministers of foreign affairs of Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Poland will hold a 40-minute discussion in English (simultaneous interpretation into Latvian will be provided), moderated by Žanete Ozoliņa, political scientist and professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Latvia.

A live stream from the event will be available on the YouTube channel of the President of Latvia (presidentlv), on the official website, and on the President’s social network accounts on Facebook (egilslevitslv) and Twitter (@Rigas_pils).

One hundred years ago, on 11 August 1920, the peace treaty between Latvia and Russia was signed becoming the foundation for lasting co-existence and cooperation between both countries. The Peace Treaty consisted of 23 articles, with Article 2 stating that “Russia unreservedly recognises the independence and sovereignty of the Latvian State, and voluntarily and irrevocably renounces all sovereign rights over the Latvian people and territory which formerly belonged to Russia”. The signing of the Peace Treaty ended the Latvian War for Independence, which had lasted for 628 days. Latvia had won its independence and could thus begin the formidable task of building its state.

Note to the media: media representatives wishing to cover the event are kindly requested to submit their application by 17:00 on 7 August by sending their name, surname, personal identification number and represented media outlet to prese[at] A personal identification document (passport or ID card) will have to be presented upon arrival. On the day of the event, entrance will be granted until 13:15. In case of queries, please contact Justīne Deičmane, Head of the Media Centre of the President of Latvia, by telephone +371 67092123.

