Raimonds Vējonis
When meeting with the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania to Latvia Artūras Žurauskas during his accreditation visit, President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis emphasized that the two neighbouring countries should continue to develop the existing successful cooperation henceforth as well both on the level of heads of state and governments and in trade, culture, and cross-border cooperation projects.


The President of Latvia confirmed during the conversation that Lithuania was an important ally for Latvia, and he particularly stressed the fact that Lithuania was the biggest trading partner for Latvia and one of the biggest investors in Latvia steadily.


“Latvia and Lithuania share many common interests and challenges. We have a common understanding of strengthening the regional security and we closely cooperate to form joint positions in the European Union. Thus, I hope that bilateral cooperation will become even more active and will provide ever better results,” said President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis.


During the meeting, the officials discussed the upcoming important international event in Latvia at the end of August in connection with the 25th anniversary of restoration of independence of the Baltic States, as well as the meeting of three Baltic presidents with US Vice President Joe Biden in Riga on August 23 this year.


The officials also discussed progress of railway infrastructure project "Rail Baltica" in Latvia and Lithuania, development of the Baltic energy market and interconnections, as well as the joint work in strengthening the legal framework of both countries, particularly in the field of cross-border cooperation. The President of Latvia and the Lithuanian Ambassador noted that the international standards should be met in construction of Belarusian NPP near Ostrovets, Belarus.