Egils Levits
Rīgas pilī saruna par Nacionālā attīstības plāna prioritātēm un risinājumiem nevienlīdzības mazināšanai
Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with the Head of the Cross-Sectoral Coordination Centre (CSCC) Pēteris Vilks and deputy heads Vladislavs Vespers and Rudīte Osvalde in the Riga castle to discuss the priorities of 2021-2027 National Development Plan (NDP).

According to CSCC, NDP seeks to align operational strategy and plans for national policy over the next 7 years with available public funding from the national budget of Latvia and European Union structural funds.

Quantitatively the main focus of NDP is on education, health and business promotion, and measures based on European Green Deal. Funding will also be allocated for development of public media and their exit from advertising market. Other supported initiatives are linked to promotion of critical thinking among general public.

One of the main topics discussed during the meeting was reduction of inequality. It is a relatively popular topic in political rhetoric. ‘Although we constantly talk about the need to reduce inequality and there are different programmes designed to do that, I believe that political rhetoric lacks consolidated approach to this problem. There are several causes of inequality that have not been thoroughly debated, for example, that a part of our society has been declining due to excessive drinking,’ said Egils Levits. According to President Levits, it affects our economy, but it also influences public health, children’s rights, regional development and other areas, requiring a response at the political level.

Meeting also focused on UN Sustainable Development Goals and Latvia’s progress towards national targets, which is quite good compared to the rest of the world’s countries.

10.02.2020. Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita tikšanās ar Pārresoru koordinācijas centra pārstāvjiem, lai pārrunātu Nacionālā attīstības plāna 2021.–2027. gadam virzību un valsts ilgtspējas jautājumus