Raimonds Vējonis
At the end of the Lāčplēsis Day, President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis participated in the opening ceremony of the memorial stela of the Knights of the Order of Lāčplēsis born in Ogre Region at Ogre Brethren Cemetery. The memorial stela is erected within the framework of project “Remember Lāčplēsis”.


The President of Latvia emphasized in his speech that both the soldiers, whose heroism and patriotism founded Latvia were paid honours and gratefully commemorated. He said that their confidence was so strong that they were ready to sacrifice everything, including their lives.


The President of Latvia expressed his pride that the history of our country was held in reverence and that individual life stories of 23 Knights of the Order of Lāčplēsis born in Ogre Region became our common history and a part of ourselves.


He pointed out that view should be focused into the future when recalling the past and paying honours to the fighters for the freedom of Latvia. Raimonds Vējonis emphasized that Latvia would always be as bold and free as bold and free we were ourselves.


The President of Latvia appreciated that the young generation, Latvian Youth Guard, was also engaged in this testimonial project for commemoration of the Knights of the Order of Lāčplēsis.


Project “Remember Lāčplēsis” is aimed at identifying and studying biographies of the Knights of the Order of Lāčplēsis while obtaining information that could be undiscovered yet. Ogre is the first municipality, where the project was implemented. The project is an initiative of the Young Guard and Information Centre.