Egils Levits
Saruna par diasporas jautājumiem Rīgas pilī: nepieciešams palielināt valsts valodas kursu apjomu, lai atbalstītu remigrējušo cilvēku iesaistīšanos sabiedrībā
Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Elita Gavele, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for Diaspora, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Riga Castle.

Meeting focused on current needs with respect to diaspora policy interventions. Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica underlined that the interest on the part of Latvians to come back to Latvia is going up due to COVID-19. They are actively requesting information about various aspects related to moving back.

President and Foreign Ministry officials agreed that it is necessary to further coordinate government efforts in education, welfare and economic sectors. Government must continue building a close practical dialogue with diaspora to ensure strong links with Latvia and smooth exchange of information regarding specific re-emigration aspects.

This year’s annual World Latvian Economic and Innovation Forum will take place on the 19 November. This year it will be held as a virtual debate on how to build stronger links between Latvians living in different parts of the world to boost exports and research collaborations in innovative projects. Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica underlined that this forum is a good platform for people of Latvian descent and Latvians from all over the world who want to be professionally and scientifically involved with Latvia either by attracting investments or cooperation partners from business communities or universities in other countries.

Elita Gavele mentioned today’s upcoming virtual meeting about tax system. One of the agenda points is how tax system influences various re-emigration scenarios or modern labour mobility, which involves spending time working and living in several countries at a time. She also underlined the importance of strengthening the re-emigration coordination on the ground. President of Latvia was also presented with the work of Diaspora Advisory Council.

One of the key topics discussed during the meeting was the importance of well-coordinated initiatives for supporting teachers who are working with children whose families have returned to Latvia and additional state-funded language courses.

Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica pointed out that in order to attract highly-skilled professionals in public administration, we need adequate regulatory incentives. It is also necessary to encourage Latvian youngsters living abroad to come study in Latvia and choose one of local universities.

30.10.2020. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits tiekas ar Ārlietu ministrijas parlamentāro sekretāri Zandu Kalniņu-Lukaševicu un Ārlietu ministrijas speciālo uzdevumu vēstnieci diasporas jautājumos Elitu Gaveli