Egils Levits
Piešķirti augstākie Latvijas valsts apbalvojumi 67 sabiedrības pārstāvjiem
According to the decision of the President of Latvia and Chapter of Orders of 23 April 2020, the highest state honours are awarded to 67 prominent members of society. 35 of them have been awarded the Order of Three Stars, 21 will receive Order of Viesturs and 11 will become holders of the Cross of Recognition.

Highest state honours are bestowed upon members of the society whose courage and unselfishness helped restore the national independence of Latvia in a peaceful way, through parliamentary work, and who took part in the adoption of the Declaration on Restoration of Independence on 4 May 1990, those who risked their lives to cover the events and give future generations an honest account of the Third Awakening, and other prominent figures whose professional input has promoted democracy, rule of law and development of nation state of Latvia.

‘Chapter of Orders is really excited to mark the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration on the Restoration of Latvia’s Independence by honouring and awarding people who worked hard each day to support the restoration of independence. People who coordinated the activities of the united Popular Front across Latvia. People who saved young Latvian lads from being recruited by the Soviet Army. People who spread the news and footage accross the world through international media to show everyone the struggle of Latvians to regain their freedom and independence. Electoral commission workers who made sure that sufficient number of MPs are elected to the Supreme Council despite the hectic election campaign and vote on the restoration of Latvia’s independence is positive,’ pointed out Sarmīte Ēlerte, Chair of the Chapter of Orders.

Investiture ceremony will take place after the lifting of the state of emergency and restrictions that have been put in place. Please follow the announcements of the Chapter of Order in the Official Journal of the Republic of Latvia ‘Latvijas Vēstnesis’ to find out the date of ceremony.

President of Latvia Egils Levits and Chapter of Orders is deeply grateful to everyone whose unselfish professional or social activities have contributed to more successful overcoming of the current crisis and invites everyone to nominate others who should receive state honours for outstanding conduct during the crisis to Chapter of Orders.

Additional information about the highest state honours and procedures for awarding of the orders is available on the web-page of the Chancery of the President of Latvia.