Egils Levits
Piešķirti augstākie Latvijas valsts apbalvojumi 115 sabiedrības pārstāvjiem
According to the decision of the President of Latvia and Chapter of Orders of 30 October 2020, the highest state honours are awarded to 115 prominent members of society. 52 of them have been awarded the Order of Three Stars, 9 will receive Order of Viesturs and 54 will become holders of the Cross of Recognition.

Highest state honours are bestowed upon members of the society whose excellent and selfless professional, public and civic service to the state of Latvia and its people has helped Latvia achieve new levels of development.

Cross of Recognition has been bestowed upon a number of healthcare workers and foreign service officers nominated for the award following the call published by Chapter of Orders on 29 April 2020.

Sarmīte Ēlerte, Chair of the Chapter of Orders, noted that ‘on the 102nd anniversary of our state, President Levits and Chapter of Orders is delighted to say thank you and present the highest state honours to people who have put themselves out there to protect our health. Sparing no resources or effort, they kept pushing, putting in countless hours to protect us and contain the spread of pandemic in Latvia, and help everyone whose health was failing. It would not have been possible without professional and personal courage and courtesy, as well as strong job dedication. Staff of the Foreign Affairs Ministry also had to face unprecedented challenges as they had to get Latvians from different countries back home. It took quite a bit of ingenuity, long working hours and patience to take each case individually.’

Order of Chapters has decided to bestow the highest state decorations upon members of the society whose courage and selfless dedication while serving in the Popular Front of Latvia reinvigorated national aspirations and helped defend free Latvia during January Barricades and August putsch of 1991.

‘30 years ago, we erected barricades to defend our newly regained freedom. We were not afraid to face an enemy who had heavily outnumbered us. We desired only freedom. Highest state honours are our way to pay respect to members of the Popular Front who coordinated and steered the non-violent resistance of our people,’ underlined Sarmīte Ēlerte.

Recipients of the highest state honours also include Latvians who continued to live their life according to Latvian values, served Latvia through their work and never stopped nurturing Latvianness abroad, although fate had forced them to settle down outside Latvia. Honours are also presented to foreign nationals – friends and supporters of Latvia who have worked and personally helped to strengthen cooperation between Latvia and other countries, as well as promoting our country abroad.

Investiture ceremony will take place after the lifting of the state of emergency and restrictions that have been put in place. Please follow the announcements of the Chapter of Order in the Official Journal of the Republic of Latvia ‘Latvijas Vēstnesis’ to find out the date of ceremony.

President of Latvia Egils Levits and Chapter of Orders is deeply grateful to everyone whose unselfish professional or social activities have contributed to more successful overcoming of the crisis and invites everyone to nominate others who should receive state honours for outstanding conduct during the crisis to Chapter of Orders.

Additional information about the highest state honours and procedures for awarding of the orders is available on the web-page of the Chancery of the President of Latvia.