Valsts apbalvojumi

According to the decision of the President of Latvia and Chapter of Orders of 20 April 2021, the Order of Three Stars has been awarded to 63 individuals, Order of Viesturs to 16 individuals and Cross of Recognition to 39 individuals.

With 31st anniversary of the restoration of independence of Latvia approaching, highest state honours are awarded to individuals whose outstanding service to the state of Latvia and its people, selfless dedication to their professional goals in the field of healthcare, education and culture has contributed to the strengthening of the democracy, rule of law, security and prosperity in Latvia.

Sarmīte Ēlerte, Chair of the Chapter of Orders, notes: ‘Independence Restoration Day on 4 May carries a strong symbolic message. It is a reminder of the awakening of our state, people’s will to live in their own free country and fight for it. We, the President of Latvia Egils Levits and Chapter of Orders, are very happy to award the highest state honours and show our appreciation to professionals in different fields whose professional life has served the common good and made Latvia more beautiful and stronger, enriching the lives of every resident of Latvia, as we celebrate the Independence Restoration Day.’

Chair of the Chapter of Orders reminds that state honours are awarded in recognition and appreciation of the contribution at the state level. These awards are presented to individuals whose active civic stance has been crucial for the Awakening, at the decisive moments for our country, during the restoration of Latvia’s independence and rebuilding of the Latvian State in early years of regained independence. ‘Award is presented to those who dedicated their professional life to rebuilding Latvian State, creating a vibrant civic society, revival of collective memory. Those whose selfless commitment has made our country, its people, language and culture stronger,’ said Sarmīte Ēlerte.

State honours are presented to civil servants who were involved in the adoption of decisions crucial for the society, reforms and advocacy of nation al interests in the early period following the restoration of Latvia’s national independence.

According to the decision of Chapter of Orders, state honours are awarded to journalists who have played an important role in strengthening of democracy and quality of national information space. Their professionalism has been pivotal in promoting responsible journalism and diverse media landscape, which are crucial in democracy.

Other recipients of the state honours include long-serving officials of the diplomatic service whose dedication to their profession has significantly contributed to the restoration and development of Latvia’s diplomatic and consular services.

State awards are also bestowed upon dazzling creative personalities whose work in film, theatre, music, ballet, art and architecture has been significant for Latvian art and culture, as well as the European cultural landscape.

Recipients include Latvians living abroad whose life and work based on Latvian values has been crucial for resurgence of our country and language, as well as preservation of national culture.

The common traits in all recipients of state honours are courage, dedication, high professional standards, perseverance, empathy towards others, drive to create positive change in Latvia in the long run.

According to Paragraph 1 of the Article 56 of the Law on State Decorations, considering the national restrictions imposed due to the spread of the pandemic, Chapter of Orders will decide on the date for the award ceremony as soon as these safety measures are lifted. The announcement will be published in the official journal of Latvia “Latvijas Vēstnesis”.

Sarmīte Ēlerte, Chair of the Chapter of Orders, specifically underlined: ‘Chapter of Orders is extremely grateful to all people who are following the procedures for the awarding of state honours and actively participate in nominating of candidates worthy of the honour.’

Additional information about the highest state honours and procedures for awarding of the orders is available on the webpage of the Chancery of the President of Latvia.