Raimonds Vējonis
Valsts prezidenta Raimonda Vējoņa apsveikums Lāčplēša dienā
Today, Latvia commemorates and honours its heroes, soldiers who did not spare their lives for the freedom and independence of our country. Thanks to their courage, selflessness, and true love of homeland, the Latvian Army won the battle for Riga against a much larger and stronger enemy. We stood up for our country and nation and won that fight.

This year, November 11 is a special day not only for Latvia but also for the entire world, since we commemorate a hundred years since the end of the First World War. During the First World War, the soldiers gathered under the red-white-red flag for the first time. When defending our country soon after its proclamation, the heroes of Latvia brought our flag from Valka, Liepaja, and Cesis, across River Lielupe and River Gauja. Being carried by them, the flag is and will always fly high above the Tower of the Holy Spirit of Riga Castle as it was flying high above the protected and defended Riga on 11 November 1919.

Our soldiers are ready to pay the highest price, that is, sacrifice their lives for their country nowadays as well. Similarly, as a hundred years ago, our reliable allies are standing shoulder-to-shoulder with us for the independence and future of Latvia.

We know and appreciate the price of freedom. We continue to strengthen our defensibility every day. We are very aware very well that we will protect the independence of our country only with strong, modern, and combat-capable National Armed Forces. There is an increasing number of young people joining the Young Guard movement, and there is a young generation growing up who requires knowledge and skills to act and to defend Latvia at a crucial time.

I would like to greet all the soldiers of the Latvian Army, national guards, and young guards on the Lāčplēsis Day! Thank you for your everyday standing sentinel for our Latvia! That is a hard and responsible job. I thank your parents who taught you the love of homeland. I thank every loving person who awaits our soldiers returning home from their service, exercise, and missions abroad. You are a tremendous source of support and strength to our army!

May heroic deeds of our soldiers inspire each of us to protect our country every day and work tirelessly in favour of our Latvia!

God bless Latvia!