Raimonds Vējonis
Good Evening, Latvia, Good Evening, Fellow Countrymen at home and around the globe, Dear All, Whose Hearts are Beating in the Rhythm of Latvia today,   There is a holiday of Latvia today! We mark 18 November 1918, when an independent State of Latvia was proclaimed.


We know that it was not easy then. The First World War ruined Latvian land, took lives of many compatriots, and scattered many compatriots as refugees. We were divided ourselves as well, because some lacked faith in independence of Latvia, others were concerned of their personal benefit and survival under difficult conditions of that period in first place. However, our public officials were able to agree then to work together in favour of Latvia, act decisively and coherently. It was admirable courage to stand up for their own independent state in spite of adverse circumstances and unbelief of many people.


We are the heirs of that courage. Therefore, we remember the founders of our country, thanks to whom we are able to celebrate our own holidays in free and independent Latvia. We may not forget their vision of the future of Latvia, because it still is our most important landmark. Justice was a cornerstone for establishment of the state of Latvia in 1918. May one law and one justice be to all and may oppression and injustice never occur in the state of Latvia state.


The flame of Latvian independence was lit 98 years ago that the occupying powers could not extinguish and that still burns in the hearts of Latvian patriots. The stage of the National Theatre was decorated with our red-white-red flag then, so that the flag of Latvia would protect a fragile flame of independence of the new state as a motherly woollen shawl. May the flag of Latvian remind us of the value of our own state and justice!


The flag of Latvia urged compatriots in exile to maintain their demand for justice and for their own state even after the hope of an early return home was lost. There were people among us here, in Latvia, during the lasting years of occupation, who were courageous to raise the red-white-red flags in publicly visible places to prevent fading of the flame of independent Latvia in the hearts. Thanks to them, everybody of us also had the courage to raise the flags stored by our grandparents and parents so that to request justice and independence during the Awakening. The flags on the embankment of River Daugava and on the barricades gave us strength and faith to regain our country.


Dear Latvian people!


We marked the 25th anniversary of the restoration of our independence this year. This is the reason to ask ourselves how courageous we actually are. Courage to act decisively in the name of statehood and development, commitment to eliminate injustice if we see one? Courage to hold the flag f Latvia high so that it trembled?


These twenty-five years have been sometimes hard and cruel, and they were productive and evolving at the same time. In retrospect, we can say that we have achieved a lot. We can enjoy all the opportunities we only dreamt about when standing with our hands held in the Baltic Way. We have become a member of the strongest and most prestigious organizations in the world. We can rely on the support of our allies today more than ever that Latvia missed so much during the Second World War.


Yet, there are moments quite often when we lose faith in the ideals of the founders of the State of Latvia and hence to the State of Latvia itself. Bitten with our everyday concerns, we sometimes lose our most important landmarks. In their turn, those, who do not wish strong and self-confident Latvia, facilitate and use that loss.


We forget too often how great, selfless, and patriotic people live next to us. We are inspired by the ones, who bring the name of Latvia in the world with their talent, businesses, and achievements. Moreover, we are enabled as much by the people, who are doing their job in good faith on a daily basis, raising children and taking care of their immediate families without asking, "What will I get for that" often. In the trivial round, we sometimes need to rear our head and look around to understand that great people, the Latvian people with whom we can be proud of, are living around us.


We must support each other. Destructive negativism is a problem that everybody must overcome in oneself at first. Patriotism is choice and responsibility of every person. Nevertheless, the public as a whole needs leadership, the ability to name the existing problems clearly, be aware of the necessary objectives for the development of the country, and assume responsibility and leadership in order to achieve those objectives. Inspirational leaders should be in politics, municipalities, among entrepreneurs and scientists.


We need leaders, who would be able to inspire us to progress. Unfortunately, we see instead that sometimes the public is not sufficiently explained the decisions taken by the public administration, thus creating grounds for quandary, frustration, and various conspiracy theories.


We must not allow that the overmuch different level of welfare cleaves the Latvian population. Social inequality is injustice that the founders of the state of Latvia promised to prevent on 18 November 1918. Our duty is to prevent it.


They speak about threat that a “multi-speed Europe” would develop in the European Union for some time already. We may not observe at home how a “multi-speed Latvia” forms, how the gap between the prosperous and the poor and between the urban and rural areas increases. Social equality is an essential precondition for our national security. Each house, each native farmstead will be more secure if all our people will feel the care of the state about their welfare, accessible health care and high-quality education, support for young families and seniors.


The future of Latvia lies in creative approaches, new discoveries, competitiveness of our economy, and secure business environment. The entrepreneurs must feel like at home in Latvia by promoting prosperity and gainful activity. The state together with the business community must ensure at the same time that economic growth would be beneficial also for the most vulnerable ones. It is our common goal and our common responsibility.


Dear compatriots!


I appeal to all Latvian people and all Latvian nationals abroad, to all our people, who belong to free people of Latvia irrespective of their ethnic origin, education, or income. We are united by the faith in independent state of Latvia, commitment to respect human rights, Latvian language, and respect for the unique cultural traditions of Latvia.


We can do a lot if we are united and cohesive. We have one goal, thus we must be able to cooperate with each other. Latvia will thrive if its people will be accustomed to working together, trusting, and supporting each other, praising and glorifying instead of ridiculing and belittling each other. We may not lose humanity in our relations. Whether we will be or will not be humanely and responsible to each other: politicians to voters, civil servants to people, managers to their subordinates, is a guarantee for the future of Latvia.


We will be celebrating the first centenary of the independence of Latvia already in two years. During that period, we have experienced difficulties, fought heavy battles, and made great sacrifices. Biography of each Latvian individual and the history of each family are intertwined with the fate of our country: complicated and difficult, controversial and painful. Today we look back on those times; we decline our heads in the front of past generations. Each rough luck of our ancestors and relatives is like a star in the constellation, which forms an eternal Latvia.


The past battles and deeds have not been in vain. Great progress has been achieved, a lot of selfless work has been done, and great and sometimes grand victories have been won. We have fought for our independence twice in a century. Latvia today is more secure and stable than ever before. 


Therefore, having looked back to the progress made and thinking about the future, we must keep the flag of Latvia, our flag of righteousness and courage, high. Justice was a cornerstone for the foundation of our state and it forms the genetic code of Latvia. In its turn, courage is needed to fight and to defend. In addition, creating something new and exciting requires courage, too.


We are all proud of the achievements of our fellow citizens. We are envied because so many talented people come from such a small country, whose achievements sounded all over the world and who are admired by millions.


Let us continue building our perfect Latvia together, a country that is based on cultural traditions and the power of nature, modern and technologically advanced, a country, whose people live in peace and prosperity, a country, where truth rules.


We will celebrate the opportunity to take part in building our country ourselves tonight. I wish to say a huge thank you for your good wishes for Latvia, for your thoughts and deeds in favour of our country. Let us celebrate it with the confidence of a bright future for Latvia!


God bless Latvia!