Raimonds Vējonis
 Good evening, Latvia, good evening, dear compatriots in Latvia and abroad, dear guests,   We celebrate tonight! We celebrate in the glory of our fatherland and freedom! We celebrate the fact that ninety-seven years ago, without fear of power of foreign and hostile army, patriots of Latvia gathered at the National Theatre to make the historic decision led by only one thought – only being free, Latvians would be able to exist. Only being free, we will be able to develop as a nation. Only free people own its own country!


Looking back today at everything that we have experienced and faced, we can see that the freedom of one’s homeland is one of the most important values in a human’s life. Thanks to freedom, we have home, where to create strong families; we have a land, where to earn a living; we have peace, where we can love.


Only being free, we can develop both as individuals and as a nation. This is the most precious value given to us, so at the celebration of freedom of the homeland and the peoples we shall honour the heroes, who fought for our independence, today. We shall say thanks to each other and will enjoy being together at this significant celebration.


Let us remember that we must inspire each other to transfer these values further not only at the celebration, but also in everyday life. When celebrating every year, we confirm that being present, participating and passing those values to the next generations are still important. May our great country and people live forever! In that way we show gratitude to God and respect to our ancestors for our freedom, demonstrate love for our homeland and fellow men, appreciate and are proud of what we have achieved.


Preservation of those values from generation to generation is exactly the essence and supreme task of our country so that we as a free nation would be a supporting shoulder and an assistant to each other in our homeland. Only if we stand for each other, Latvia will be strong. The force makes us feel safe and make us stronger. It is the confidence that the hearts of fellow human beings, beat for Latvia, happiness and prosperity of its population just like ours. That makes us support those who are worse off together, feel happy about achievements of the Latvian people together, cheer jointly up those, who initiate something new and unusual.


Our generation also has done a heroic deed and carried the torch of freedom lit on November 18 97 years ago decently. Being united and brave, we have restored independence of our country, we have achieved rapid economic growth, we have taken our stance in the Western society, we have overcame many difficulties selflessly, and we have strengthened our national security. Therefore, there is no reason to feel weak and worthless, because we are the ones, who make the country stronger day by day.


I express my gratitude to restorers of the state of Latvia, the Members of the Supreme Council, whose courage and faith in the restoration of national independence 25 years ago turned the course of Latvia’s history in the direction of freedom and sovereignty. They were not afraid to vote for Latvia then.

Let us appreciate what we have achieved! Let us appreciate how beautiful, green and unique the country is, where we live in. Let us appreciate how talented people surround us, and let us say proudly that Latvia proceeds convincingly and confidently exactly that way of development, what the founders of our country had planned for it.


This responsibility imposes duties as well. If recently we could quibble with the lack of experience, now such reservations are no longer justified. As mature and full-fledged Europeans, we are responsible for our own actions and our future ourselves. No one is forcing us, and no one is dictating anything to us. We are making responsible decisions in the long-term interests of our country ourselves rather than due to momentary benefit or for the sake of a nice gesture. We do not play with our future. We see that in the modern world, an own, free and independent, state is a great privilege. The people, who are leaving their homes and fleeing from war and terror nowadays, are aware of it acutely.


The atmosphere has changed in Europe. We feel threats of aggression, terrorism, and a new Cold War in the air again. The world is shocked by ruthless terrorist attacks on our allies in France. I express my deepest condolences to the families of those killed and the entire French nation. Let us intercede for the souls of the murdered persons silently...


We neither ignore those events nor fall into despair, because it would not worthy of the name of Latvia. Thus, we think carefully and work thoroughly so that no one would even think to hector the statehood of Latvia. We should also appreciate the allied support. In addition, these are not just words, but the real willingness to stand beside us.


However, let us remember that our own attitude is the best guarantee for security: ability to support fellow citizens and our country on a daily basis, encourage each other, not to grudge, work in good faith, and respect the fundamental values of our country. Such everyday patriotism is of equal significance.


Sometimes we still find telling good words to others difficult. Sometimes we feel awkward when expressing delight at the achievements of Latvian people. However, a positive attitude towards our fellow citizens, our support and pride for our country every day show who we are and how important Latvia and its development are for every of us.


Let us remember that Latvia has not started as a burden or heavy responsibility. It began as pure joy! Joy that we can live in a free country, free of domination by foreign powers. This joy must occur in each of us and in interpersonal relations among people, their pride for their belonging to Latvia and its achievements first.


Therefore, it is my sincere joy and commendation to thank everyone for the achievements. You are those heroes, who make the country stronger and safer every day, because you are Latvia! Let us say thank you to each other, let us say it loud and in our hearts. Let us enjoy this event with gratitude, joy and love for each other and our homeland!


We are now standing at the foot of the Freedom Monument by paying honours to the symbol of our statehood, national unity, independence, and freedom. It marks the 80th anniversary this year, and it will shine particularly bright tonight. I wish never-fading stars in the Freedom Monument shone over the land of Latvia and the brilliance of those stars were the guide for the path of our nation forever!

I am proud to live among you! I am proud to live in Latvia!

God bless Latvia and its people!