23.02.2023. Ukraiņu tautas sirsnības un pateicības apliecinājumu izstāde Rīgas pilī. Foto autors: Ilmārs Znotiņš, Valsts prezidenta kanceleja.

A year has passed since full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. Numerous events in support of Ukraine have taken place in Latvia and other countries. Latvia does everything it can to help Ukraine and its people. Support is provided by the government and through endless civic activism. Exhibition “Kopā mēs uzvarēsim!”/“Разом ми переможемо!” (Together we shall prevail) showcases tokens of affection and appreciation presented to President Levits and Mrs Levite during various events as a thank you from Ukrainians to Latvians.

Exhibition is comprised of tokens of affection and appreciation presented by H.E. Olexandr Mischenko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Latvia, Ukrainian Embassy in Riga, participants of children camps for Ukrainian Armed Force and National Guard soldiers and Ukrainian Children’s Hospital “Ohmatdyt” psychological rehabilitation camp, Ukrainian Society in Latvia and Maria Volina, a Ukrainian refugee artists.

Exhibition also contains photos from these events and visit by the President of Latvia and the First Lady to Ukraine.


23.02.2023. Ukraiņu tautas sirsnības un pateicības apliecinājumu izstāde Rīgas pilī