Egils Levits
Saruna Rīgas pilī par bērnu ārpusģimenes aprūpi Latvijā
On 22 July President of Latvia Egils Levits met at Riga Castle with Member of Parliament Inese Ikstena and representatives of Association “Children of the System” to discuss issues relating to out-of-family care of children in Latvia.

The representatives of Association “Children of the System” told the President of Latvia about the life experiences of children and youths who are the so-called “children of the system” and are living in out-of-family care facilities – children’s and youth centres or foster families. The daily life of children and youth was discussed, from domestic matters and forming relationships with others to the point of reaching the age of 18 when youths have to start living independently.

The President of Latvia agreed with all of the participants of the discussion that the situation with caring for the so-called “children of the system” is disbalanced and the system often fails to provide the support these children truly need. The disproportionately low salaries for social workers are also of concern. These issues should be primarily resolved by the Ministry of Welfare through actively involving other competent authorities. One aspect of the matter is also the adoption of children to foreign countries, which is currently under discussion at the Parliament. The President of Latvia promised to follow the debate closely.

22.07.2020. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits tiekas ar Saeimas deputāti Inesi Ikstenu par bērnu un ģimenes politikas jautājumiem