Egils Levits
Rīgas pilī notiks diskusija “Planētas dzīvība ir svarīga”
On Wednesday, 19 August, at 11:00, a discussion on the future of our planet and development of Latvia as a clean and green country will take place in the Riga Castle, marking one month until the World Cleanup Day. List of speakers will include organisers and local coordinators of the Big Cleanup Day and Patron of the Big Cleanup Day, President of Latvia Egils Levits.

To inspire participants to be environmentally conscious and encourage everyone to get involved in taking care of clean and green environment in Latvia and around the world for future generations, organisers have invited Ilze Aizsilniece, President of Latvian Medical Association, and Aiva Rozenberga, Public Relations Adviser to the President of Latvia and former Director of Latvian Institute, to open the first session of the forum.

President of Latvia Egils Levits, who is also the Patron of the Big Cleanup Day, will take part in the second session of the forum, the discussion titled ‘Planet’s health matters’. Other panellists include Juris Pūce, Minister for Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Jānis Zitāns, Head of Forest Management Planning, JSC Latvia's State Forests, Ilze Aizsilniece, President of Latvian Medical Association, Ieva Jākobsone-Bellomi, Professor, John Cabot University (Ilaty, Rome), and Vita Jaunzeme, Head of the Big Cleanup Day. Discussion will be moderated by TV and radio host Valdis Melderis. It will be livestreamed on social media platforms of TV3: and

This year, on 19 September 2020, Latvia will participate in the World Cleanup Day for the third year running. Latvia will celebrate World Cleanup Day by cleaning surrounding areas and traditional planting of ‘Trees of Happiness’. Campaign urges everyone to plant seeds for trees that symbolise Latvia’s contribution to restoring global ecological balance. World Cleanup Day activities in Latvia are coordinated by organizers of the Big Cleanup Day.