Raimonds Vējonis
Barikāžu laiks māca par drosmi un vienotību, kas Latvijai ir nepieciešama arī šodien
The days of the Barricades are the time associated with heroism and formation of our identity. Those were the events from whose participants we can learn courage, perseverance, and unity.

That was the time to stand shoulder to shoulder for the belief in freedom and the idea of ​​an independent state, as President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis stated in his address at the bonfire lit at the Dome Square during the event dedicated to the Commemoration Day of the Participants of the Barricades 1991 on Saturday, January 20.

The President of Latvia emphasised that these values ​​are still material, as we must also fight for the future of Latvia nowadays. “If then we stood as an unbreakable wall and built real concrete and metal barricades around the sites we considered significant, then we have built different barricades during these 27 years. Prejudice, disbelief, passivity, and selfishness - these are some of the obstacles that hinder us from developing and moving forward,” stated Raimonds Vējonis.

He wished everybody to dismantle these new barricades by joint effort so that Latvia could thrive and prosper.

The President of Latvia expressed his gratitude to all the participants of the Barricades of January 1991 and expressed his satisfaction that the young generation also took part in the commemorative events of the Barricades thus ensuring eternal memory about the events of that time.