Raimonds Vējonis
Valsts prezidenta Raimonda Vējoņa apsveikums konstitucionālā likuma “Par Latvijas Republikas valstisko statusu” pieņemšanas 27. gadadienā
Twenty-seven years ago, we fulfilled the dream that the patriots of Latvia cherished for a half-century, we regained freedom and national independence. The voting of the Supreme Council of Latvia on 21 August 1991 crowned the popular fight for their own country.

At that time, many people thought that the major thing was done, as we had our own country again. Looking back over the past years after the historic voting of the Supreme Council, we rather must say that it was just a new beginning and a new opportunity for us all to form our own Latvia together.

The state will never be finished. Every day we have the opportunity to work decently in favour of Latvia, to realise our dreams here and to create the ideal Latvia we can be proud of. We must not stop and rest on our laurels, when it is possible to do even more.

Our own country and independence are not self-evident things. Everyone must be ready to defend our Latvia and our values like democracy, the rule of law, and human rights every minute of our lives. We may not stand aside and hope that others will form and defend Latvia on a daily basis. Only we can create a strong Latvia, where they will speak Latvian and the red-white-red flag will fly over their heads for decades and centuries ahead.

Let us celebrate the festival of restored independence and be proud of our Latvia and our common achievements! Let us use the hundredth anniversary of Latvia’s statehood as another new beginning and another opportunity for new dreams and great deeds in favour of our Latvia!