Egils Levits
Andris Teikmanis

On 27 January, Head of the Chancery of the President of Latvia, Andris Teikmanis, attended a ceremony honouring historian Dr. h. c. hist. Marģers Vestermanis who also received a special certificate of appreciation.

Andris Teikmanis paid tribute to Marģers Vestermanis’ role in furthering collective memory of Latvian people, documenting and research on Holocaust and history of Jewish community in Latvia:

‘Marģers Vestermanis has never doubted his loyalty to Latvia, even when faced with the Holocaust horrors of Nazi occupation of his homeland, Latvia. And Latvia, in some way, has always been his safe haven, and it remains his only home.

Mr Vestermanis devoted himself to scrupulous analysis and documenting of historical data about those who rescued Jews, exploring the full depth of unexpected circumstances that required great courage to decide to help save lives of others facing imminent death, and help save Jews trapped in them. He unearthed the shocking facts about Holocaust that were previously only presented and described by people blinded by the ideology. We must know the truth. No matter how traumatic it is. Otherwise, we will not be able to restore justice.

Mr Vestermanis chose to become a historian, guardian of heritage created by Latvian Jews. He knew that his life experience is unique. He knew that by telling what happened he will prevent the same from happening again. Mr Vestermanis always followed his sense of duty and responsibility as his point of reference.

As President of Latvia Egils Levits said on one of occasions, Latvian Jewish community has been very important not only for Latvia, but the whole world. He has praised the admirable patriotism of Mr Vestermanis. I hope you will agree with me saying that his loyalty to Latvia is beyond doubt. And I am absolutely delighted to extend the warmest greetings of President Levits to you today.

Latvian State is forever grateful to you, Mr Vestermanis, for your stance and professional contribution, which has won numerous international awards. Latvia has also supported the Museum ‘Jews in Latvia’, your life creation, which is our today’s venue.

Marģers Vestermanis has a special place in the history of Latvia, Latvian society and our hearts. Let me express my deepest respect and admiration to you, Mr Vestermanis. May I sincerely wish you endless energy and, above all, strong and excellent health!’

Ceremony during which Marģers Vestermanis received the special certificate of appreciation was supported by Embassy of Israel to Latvia and Council of Jewish Communities of Latvia.