Raimonds Vējonis
Dear Residents and People of Krāslava and Latgale, Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Latvian People, I sincerely congratulate you on the anniversary of restoration of independence of the Republic of Latvia!


On this day 26 years ago, we regained our independence. On 4 May 1990, we counted the votes tensely and followed the deciding vote in the Supreme Council, where our elected MPs made decision on our destinies. Each voice was crucial. Those votes were for a better life, for freedom, for security and the rule of law. These were the votes for Latvia and our common future.


On this day, May 4, history of Latvian state and Latvian people, the present and the future intertwine. We can be proud of ourselves today. We could fight for our country twice during the last century. Our people has shown the super-human power of survival to the whole world. Both to resist, not giving up and enduring, and much more – to unite and be able to regain our freedom and our country.


We were strong, we are strong,  we will be strong!


We regained restoration of the independence of our state during times of huge changes. There were many things unknown to us. However, we were able to make bold and far-sighted desicisions to strengthen our restored country. Our path to NATO and the European Union is an outstanding example that the most important goals can be achieved only with hard, persistent, and cohesive work.


After 26 years of restored independence of the country, we are constantly on the path of developing our country. We are still on the way to our ideal Latvia. Much still must be improved. However, I want to emphasize that we have achieved a great deal! Thank you to everyone, who made their efforts to strengthen our country and our values.


The strength that allowed our people to overcome difficulties in the past, to survive and rebuild our country, is not lost. Its mission today is to amalgamate and unite us again so that we could resist any challenge, live at home safely and take the country towards its centenary!


Today Latgale welcomes us so hospitably. We celebrate restoration of the independence of Latvia with the parade of National Armed Forces in Krāslava. Different nationalities have lived and peacefully coexisted here through the centuries: Latvians, Russians, Poles, Jewish, and Belarusians establish their families, raise their children, and take care of their home, the land of blue lakes Latgale and Latvia, to this day in friendship and harmony.


Today’s festivity and the parade of National Armed Forces are a proof that we are united in our spirit and strength to love and defend Latvia!


I would particularly like to thank the soldiers, Home Guards, border guards and police, who stand on guard for our country's independence and freedom every day.


In recent years, convulsions of various types and nature in the global and European security make us do much more to strengthen our national security. We invest in the development of military capabilities and strengthening our national borders.


We have a member State of the world's strongest military alliance, NATO for more than a decade. We also thank our allies for support in strengthening security of our country! At the same time, we recognize that maximum contribution of each Member State into its development of military capabilities is guarantee of full-fledged security of all the Alliance.


I wish you to feel the joy of today's celebration, find satisfaction and new inspiration. Let us dress up for celebration, lay white tablecloths, and gather families, both adults and children. Let us celebrate the fact that we are living in a free country. We will share our dream for free Latvia with the young generation grown up already in independent Latvia and we will always remember unbreakable strength of our people.


God bless Latvia!