Raimonds Vējonis


Dear participants of the Convention,


Each year we meet here in Ikšķile to reflect on the twists and turns of the history of our state and people. We meet to remember the experience and discuss what we can learn from the past events for the sake of our future.


The Soviet occupation regime has been particularly painful for our nation. Losing the freedom destroyed everything that Latvia and its people had built, produced, and cherished in twenty years of independence. Latvia was taken out of the family of the nations of Europe by force; Latvia turned from a wealthy and civilized country into poor and burned out country, because everything was taken away and destroyed.


The communist repression was a machine of perdition, which took over the land and people of Latvia. The culture and language, national political system, traditions and usual rhythm of the people’s life were changed violently. The repression struck both the country as a whole and all sectors of the national economy, and, in fact, every family.


The massive terror was aimed at destroying many countries and entire nations. However, even under the most terrible martyrdom, Latvianness survived and exists now. We won the ruthless struggle for survival!


Here in Ikšķile, when remembering the trial, we simultaneously share our thoughts on how our country is developing today. This is especially important to you, because the dream of a free Latvia helped you withstanding the darkest years of imprisonment. You, the compatriots suffered from repression inspired younger generations and encouraged them to regain independence again.


Therefore, today one must ask whether free Latvia meets the highest ideals. Is Latvia an opposite of the arbitrariness and irresponsibility that ruled here during the communist times?


It is very important for the people to see that politicians feel accountable to their people. During the long years of occupation, it was customary that influence and material benefits were distributed in a narrow circle away from people’s eyes. Today, we are no longer accepting the former practice, and we expect officials to clarify their decisions and be liable for what they have said or done.


The people of Latvia have suffered enough to assess the importance of the rule of law and the reign of law. We all want a righteous judgment to be made. In judicial Latvia, people cannot be punished or humiliated publicly without trial and investigation, simply because somebody will benefit from that.


Only when the principles of the rule of law and political responsibility are respected in Latvia, our country will be strong enough to protect itself at the moment of danger.


To conclude, I would like to remind what Lidija Lasmane-Doroņina, one of the symbols of national resistance and self-esteem, has said. Some years ago in an interview, Lidija Lasmane-Doroņina said, “The main thing is that Latvia is free and we are no longer taken to Siberia. I want to live fairly without lying and doing good. I think every person might have similar plans”.


So simple and genuine my wish for all the people in Latvia is live honestly without lying and doing good. I am sure that then everybody will succeed.


I would like to thank you, the participants of the Convention of politically repressed for your tough endurance, your prayers and deeds, the not-lost HOPE to return home, your unshakable FAITH in the independence and freedom of Latvia, and LOVE of Latvia!


May God bless you with good health!