Raimonds Vējonis
Dear Madam Speaker of Saeima, Dear Madam Prime Minister, Excellencies, Mr. Commander, soldiers, guardsmen, youth guards, police officers, firefighters, and border guards, Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,   Today, when we celebrate November 18 and remember the day, when the Republic of Latvia was proclaimed, we are called for remaining faithful to the values that our ancestors have bequeathed to us. It is our land, Latvia, our culture, and language.


In many torments and wars, our land and the people were bent and broken. Through hundreds of years, our country has been constantly threatened. However, our fathers and grandfathers were aware of the importance of freedom and independence. They won it and defended by fighting in battles, severe suffering, shed tears, and blood. They paid the price so that we could live in a free country.


Today, Latvia and its Armed Forces have taken a big step when joining the European Union and the NATO Alliance. We are aware that independence of one’s country cannot be safeguarded without strong, modern, combat capable armed and security forces, who are ready to stand on guard not only on national land borders, sea, and air space, but also for each city and region, family and national values.


Lately our region experiences major security challenges. Bloody and tragic events in France, Kenya, Lebanon, and Turkey in November remind of the threat of terrorism posed on innocent people. In our neighbouring Ukraine, they had to witness that the borders of an independent state and Europe’s stability were endangered by the means of military aggression. It proves once again that we must always be vigilant and ready to defend our independence, values, and our people.


Let us remember that we are not alone anymore today: we have received great support from our allies in the area of military. At the same time, many of our soldiers have demonstrated in numerous military exercises and international military operations that they are willing to be on guard not only for their own country, but also for security and independence of every member country of the NATO. Our allies confirm and appreciate that.

As Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, I am pleased and proud of stance and professionalism, excellent fighting abilities, and accumulated experience of each soldier. The military parade today proves that there are many people among us ready to defend their homeland Latvia by taking up arms if necessary.

Thank you, soldiers, home guards, border guards, police officers, and firefighters! Thank you for your selfless work so that we could live in security. I would also like to express my gratitude to your parents, who have brought up so many resolute, courageous, and patriotic sons and daughters!


Let us be strong, proud, and united in love and faith in the future of our country!


God bless Latvia!