Raimonds Vējonis
Dear Madam Speaker of the Saeima, Dear Prime Minister, Excellencies, Dear Commander, Dear Guards of the Homeland, Dear Youth Guards,   We celebrate the day of proclamation of the Republic of Latvia today, November 18. Today is a holiday, when we congratulate each other with the fact that we have our own state. We have free Latvia, where we can live in peace and security, and where we are able to strive for a better life for our loved ones and ourselves.


The National Armed Forces are a cornerstone of a strong and stable country. During the decisive Latvian War of Independence 97 years ago, the Latvian army defended independence of the newly created state. Nowadays, our soldiers are taking part in dangerous and complicated international operations by contributing to solution of major global conflicts. That is the way we can take the best care of the security of our country as well, because the reliable Allied forces stand along our soldiers on the guard of Latvia.


By gathering here on the embankment of River Daugava every year, we reaffirm our respect and appreciation to you, Latvian soldiers, National Guard, police officers, firefighters, and border guards! We thank you for the fact that you do your duty and protect population of Latvia!


Duties of the state of Latvia include continuous development of the capabilities of its defenders. International security situation in the past year has not allowed breathing a sigh of relief either. News from the battlefield in Ukraine are perhaps less audible than before, but we may not forget that here active hostilities are continuing here in Europe. The bloodshed in Syria has not stopped, where the ongoing conflict gets more and more new dimensions and continues to cause security threats well beyond the borders of that particular country.


Therefore, we may not stop while improving skills and technical equipment of Latvian soldiers. We are responsible for our safety both to our own citizens and to our friends and allies. Already next year, we will welcome the first multinational NATO battalion in Latvia, because the decision made during the NATO Summit in Warsaw this summer on expansion of the NATO forces in the Baltic States and Poland is the most serious evidence of the Alliance’s commitment to defend its Member States so far. This is a testimony that our allies appreciate our own efforts to strengthen of the defence of Latvia, and we may not disappoint that trust.


While intensifying cooperation with our foreign friends and allies, let us not underestimate internal security challenges in Latvia. Nowadays decisive battles are won not on open and visible battlefields, but in a hidden competition for economic development, impact in the court domain and for the views in information space more and more. In so-called hybrid warfare, we can lose without a shot being fired when ill-wishers manage to ruin our confidence in ourselves and in the future of our country.


I am confident that we shall overcome all the difficulties if we are united in our belief in the development and freedom of Latvia. Therefore, I am truly happy that the Latvian soldiers are regarded as an excellent example of social cohesion. Our armed forces bring together people of different origins, but they are all united by the motto, “Honour to Serve Latvia!”


May these words are always said with a genuine desire to protect Latvia and to foster its safety and prosperity! Only we can defend and develop our country ourselves!


God bless Latvia!