Raimonds Vējonis
Dear compatriots all over the world! I greet you from the Festival Hall of the Riga Castle restored this year!   It is my pleasure to address you again at the time, when we are celebrating the Latvian national holidays far and near. We are aware of our belonging to Latvia especially on these days. Living and working have taken you away to different countries of the world. However, you are united by the thoughts about free and independent Latvia, interest about the current events in the homeland, and the desire to participate in building a better future.


This time is always an opportunity to look back on the previous year; assess the achievements, and identify approaching challenges. Year 2016 has brought both achievements and challenges to Latvia.


I am glad that we have strengthened the defensibility of Latvia during so turbulent times in the world. We continue increasing our defence spending consistently on our own, and our allies appreciate that. A historic decision on deployment of four multinational battalions in the Baltic States and Poland was made at the NATO Summit in Warsaw this summer. This is by far the most serious proof of NATO’s readiness to defend independence of the Eastern European countries, including Latvia.


Whereas the Latvia’s accession to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development was a recognition for the Latvia’s readiness to improve its economic governance by achieving internationally recognized standards.


However, we should not get complacent in any way and we have sometimes received recognition in advance. The government has committed itself to reforms in education and healthcare. However, that is only the beginning of the road. The public administration requires courage and meet the objectives it has set itself.


Dear compatriots!


The referendum held this summer on withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union is another evidence of how volatile the world around us tends to be and how seemingly unexpected events can affect all of us. Therefore, it is even more important to work on turning Latvia into a modern, innovative, prosperous, and peaceful country, where everyone would like to return to after education or work experience is gained abroad.


I hope to your help very much in achieving this objective. Latvia requires you, because the things you witnessed are unique knowledge. Many of you had to overcome many difficulties to succeed far from your family and friends. I have no doubt that you can take part in the forging of outstanding achievement here in Latvia as well.


Dear compatriots!


You all represent our country abroad; I mean you are Latvian ambassadors. I urge you to tell the businesses in your host country that they should invest in Latvia, because this is a unique place on the global map and that well-educated and hardworking people live here. Tell people about Latvia; invite them to come here to enjoy our hospitality, beautiful nature, and rich cultural life.


We will celebrate the first centenary since the establishment of the State of Latvia already in two years. Exile compatriots had the priceless role in keeping the idea of ​​independence alive during many decades of occupation and to help Latvia return to the free world as a full-fledged member of the strongest international organizations.


Thanks to the fact that Latvia is an independent democratic state, we have the opportunities that we could only dream about even a few decades ago, that is, we can travel freely; choose a place for working or studies in order to increase prosperity of our family and ourselves and to make our dreams and intentions come true.


Nevertheless, we remain a part of our country, Latvia, no matter where life takes us. We are a small group of people on a global scale, who have been incredibly lucky, because we have our own independent state, Latvia.


Thank you for your tremendous work and commitment to keep language, culture, and traditions of our nation alive. We will use the opportunities offered together to make Latvia stronger, safer, and more confident.


Have a nice national holiday!


God bless Latvia!