Valsts prezidenta uzruna militārajā parādē par godu Lāčplēša dienai pie Brīvības pieminekļa
Today is the day to commemorate Latvia’s heroes. Here, now I bow my head to the heroes. I bow my head to those, who were first to gather under Latvia’s flags over a hundred years ago. Also to the brave women and men who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the greatest value we have, our Latvia.

I bow my head to those, who were first to gather under Latvia’s flags over a hundred years ago. Also to the brave women and men who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the greatest value we have, our Latvia.

Today, we remember that in November 1919 thousands of volunteers came to join the defenders of Riga. They were inspired by courage and faith in the new army of Latvia and its first victories which would gradually win back our new country from the armies of foreign powers.

The soldiers of legend grew from the burning bridge and mud-filled trenches, able to defeat any superior enemy through their determination and fearlessness. Only thanks to them, will we be celebrating our country’s centenary next year.

In the twenty-first century, war has not raged on our land. Today Latvian soldiers defend both the freedom of our nation, the ideals of our country and our values elsewhere in the world. Therefore we are also commemorating the soldiers who have fallen in international missions. They have fallen for us to live here safely.

Just as Estonian and Polish soldiers, British and French warships helped us win the freedom of Latvia a century ago, the support of reliable allies is essential today. Indeed, we have never been so well protected in military terms. This year, the soldiers from the Canadian led NATO Multinational Battalion have joined our National Armed Forces.

Such assistance is not straightforward. We can invite others to defend us only when we are ready to protect our freedom ourselves with all our strength. A soldier is a professional. Defending our country is a the task of all of us. That is through deeds, words, silent faith or a simple, everyday view of life. Everyone can do that, and I invite everybody to stand up for and defend our Latvia in these modern, turbulent times.

Therefore, I would especially like to thank those people who are standing at the forefront, that is, the Latvian soldiers and Latvian national guards, firefighters and rescuers, police officers, border guards, and young guards ready to fill their place.

Latvia supports you.

Security is the basis of independence. On behalf of the fallen heroes, we must both protect that which they had fought for but also develop that which they have defended. We must assert that Latvia is worth fighting for because we are free, free to develop and shape our country even better in the bright future ahead of us.

God bless Latvia!