Valsts prezidenta uzruna Nacionālo bruņoto spēku militāro vienību parādē Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas 99. gadadienā
Madame Speaker! Prime Minister! Your Excellencies! Generals, officers, servicemen and women! Ladies and gentlemen!

I greet you on Latvia’s birthday!

I can safely say that this country would not exist were it not for the Latvian Army. Soldiers hardened in the trenches of the First World War, were joined by grizzled veterans, schoolchildren and students, refugees and simple workers. They were united by an almost superhuman determination, courage and belief in an idea. The idea of their own nation.

This century has brought rapid changes and new types of threats and challenges.

However, as the commander-in-chief of the nation’s armed forces, I can confidently assert that we are ready to defend our country.

During joint training and international operations, the Latvian Army has proved that over the course of a century it has retained that same courage and discipline, which once helped to win the struggle for freedom. Now we are helping to strengthen security in other countries. We do not just take, we also give.

This year, the National Armed Forces have a new commander with a new vision built on wide experience. In today’s parade, we will see how the technical development of the Armed Forces is taking place and how we have grown over the past year.

With the increase in the nation’s defence funding, the modernisation of our army, development of new capabilities and strengthening of our country’s security will continue.

Young people are actively joining the National Guard and professional services. The Youth Guard, whose love of our fatherland is augmented by the skills to defend it, is growing and developing.

We are as strong as each of us is ready to stand up for our country! For this we must thank our mothers and fathers, the families in which our patriots have been raised, as well as all those, who through their stance and good example inspire others to stand up for Latvia.

I would like to say a special thank you to all the families whose support gives strength to the members of our armed forces in Latvia and in lands afar - representing our country on international operations.

Today we stand together with our allies both abroad and in Latvia. For this, it is my honour to say thank you to Canada, Albania, Italy, Poland, Spain and Slovenia. These are the countries whose soldiers stand shoulder to shoulder with our servicemen and women in the NATO multi-national battalion.

Thank you to our strategic partner, the United States of America, whose consistent support is so vital to our security.

I would also like to thank those who ensure our security every day: our firefighters and rescuers, policemen and border guards.

In military terms, Latvia has never been stronger and more secure than it is today. But this is not enough. Nowadays, a country’s security means much more than physical defence alone.

Each and every one of us can make Latvian stronger. By standing up for our country and strengthening it every day through our words and deeds.

God bless Latvia!