Raimonds Vējonis
Valsts prezidenta uzruna 1949. gada 25. marta deportāciju piemiņas pasākumā pie Brīvības pieminekļa
We have come today due to 42,322 people, our compatriots, children, parents, neighbours, and fellows, whose destinies were ground to dust by deportation on 25 March 1949 taking them away from their homeland. This is our history, and we may not forget it!

We bow our heads in respect before those, who endured and survived. Moreover, with a moment of silence, we commemorate those, who are not among us anymore.

Dear witnesses and contemporaries,

Destructed or broken family links tie many of us with the deported ones. Each of us has lost due to the blow that the Soviet occupation power was able to inflict on Latvia in one night.

Remembering this date is neither a personal nor an official duty. It is a chance to remember it here at the Freedom Monument. It is an opportunity to live in our own country and not suffer from repression, an opportunity to choose the destiny of our children and our own, and a chance to be with our people.

No one can turn the time back and correct history. Nevertheless, we can always learn from the individuals taking part in those historic events.

Learn how precious freedom is. The freedom, which cannot be sold or exchanged for short-term gains. Freedom is easy to lose but hard to regain. In front of freedom, there is no excuse for collaboration with foreign powers or for prioritising one’s own benefit above the interests of the country and society.

We can learn what not giving up to any difficulty means. What not breaking down even under inhumane conditions means. By learning from your experience and testimonies, we can find strength and make the right decisions in crucial situations today as well.

Finally, we can learn what belonging to Latvia means: always cherishing the idea of ​​Latvia deep down in your heart, protecting and nurturing your language and your culture, celebrating your holidays, and passing on your traditions to future generations in exile.

Wherever you are and whatever is going to happen, you are Latvia.

Therefore, let us pay tribute to the freedom of Latvia by commemorating 42,322 fellow citizens, compatriots, parents, children, and neighbours of ours.

May God bless our country!