Edgars Rinkēvičs
Saeimas uzruna

Madam Speaker of the Saeima!

Mr Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada!

Madam Prime Minister!

Honourable Members of the Parliament!

Ladies and gentlemen!

People of Latvia!

Two years since the beginning of the war? No, unfortunately, Russia's war against Ukraine began ten years ago with the annexation of Crimea. It began with Western appeasement and turning a blind eye.

Two years have passed since the cold morning of 24 February dawned. The full-scale war had begun. And not just any war. A war right here in the heart of Europe. Our war. A war in which Ukraine is defending not only its land but also its people. A war in which Ukraine is also defending democracy and a common sense of humanity in this world.

Two years is a long time. It is enough time for kindergarteners in Latvia to forget a time without news of war and for children in Ukraine to forget what it is like to sleep peacefully and be sure that they will wake up with their parents tomorrow.

Bucha, Irpin and Borodyanka. Towns that in the spring of 2022, on the outskirts of Kyiv, were the first to experience what is called the ‘Russian world’ – lawlessness, looting, torture, rape and murder of Ukrainians. Last November I visited the village of Yahidne in the Chernihiv region. More than 300 people had been held captive for 27 days in the basement of a school. They were kept in inhuman conditions, in the dark, and without food. Children slept next to the deceased. There you have it - the 'Russian world'.

At times, it appears that Russia is acting out of spite, purposefully testing the limits of evil. And again, and again, it proves that it can. The evil is getting worse. The darkness grows darker. Let us live under no illusions. Unfortunately, Russia's aggression against Ukraine could go on for years.


Honourable Members of the Saeima!

Two years is too long. It is enough time for people all over the world, including in Latvia, to become fatigued with war. But I urge you to remember that fatigue from war, fatigue to help, fatigue to beware is a luxury. The people of Ukraine have not been given the opportunity to be tired. They have not been asked whether they are tired of receiving news of their loved ones' deaths or of fighting on the front lines. They have no choice.

But we do. I have a choice, and so do you. Latvia has a choice. And we must continue to choose not just to not grow tired, but to act. Now. Today. 

Discussions are often held without resulting in decisions. We must strive for results and not just create expectations. Now. The present moment is what truly matters, not just our intentions. Both in terms of supporting Ukraine and strengthening our own security.

Therefore, it is imperative that all of us - Parliament, Government, and public authorities – take action immediately.

The construction of the eastern border must be completed. The first phase of the military defence of our national border must be implemented without delay. This involves building roads and deploying blocking structures to the border. Now!

All necessary preparations must be made to host the NATO brigade. Our State Defence service and the National Guard must be strengthened as they form the foundation of our security.

Firefighters, policemen, and border guards must be compensated their fair share.

The judiciary must recognize that crimes against the state are not ordinary hooliganism, and that punishments must be severe and just.

Municipalities and residents must be provided with a clear algorithm of action and the means of rapid implementation in crisis scenarios. The same applies to the establishment of bomb shelters.

Economic ties with Russia must be severed. The potential profits for our companies will not bring us prosperity, as every cent effectively supports Russia's war of aggression. The importation of Russian grain, which also finances their war machine, must be terminated. Let us remember – by bypassing sanctions, we are ourselves supporting Russian impunity and aggression. This is not solely a matter of governmental or state policy, but also of the moral backbone of Latvian businesses and society. The imposition of restrictive measures will not be effective unless we act together. I am not naïve. It will not happen all at once, but we must begin somewhere and work towards a solution.

Furthermore, we must expand investment in the defence industry, developing innovation and production capacity.

Latvia is leading the drone coalition, which is helping Ukrainian defenders destroy Russian troops and hardware at a time when Ukraine is facing a deficit of artillery shells.

Finally, we must adopt a long-term military aid programme for Ukraine.


Ladies and gentlemen!

It appears that we have incessantly explained the need to support Ukraine against the aggressor. Yet the fact that more action is required. Latvia must remain a steadfast ally to Ukraine in all international organisations.

We will continue to support Ukraine's efforts to build a just peace, including advocating for the establishment of an international tribunal under the auspices of the UN to hold Russian leadership accountable. Additionally, we will work with international organisations to facilitate the safe return of abducted Ukrainian children.


Dear Saeima!

By supporting Ukraine, we are safeguarding our freedom. We must spare no effort in this undertaking. We have supported Ukraine from the beginning, and we cannot falter now. Ukraine needs our continued support in the future, both in words and in deeds.

There is no such thing as protecting freedom too much. Because without freedom, we would not even have the option of becoming tired. Without freedom, we would have no choice at all. So, I urge you to summon your strength, stand up for what’s right, and act without hesitation!

Glory to Ukraine!

Long live Latvia!


22.02.2024. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča dalība un uzruna Saeimas ārkārtas sēdē, pieminot Krievijas Federācijas pilna mēroga militārā iebrukuma Ukrainā gadadienu