Raimonds Vējonis
Valsts prezidenta uzruna Latviešu Pagaidu Nacionālās padomes simtgades konferencē Valkā
Dear people of Valka, dear participants of the conference! Strong people form a strong country. Today here in Valka, we pay tribute to the Latvian Provisional National Council, those courageous and strong people from our land who did not fear and acted so that we could all have a better future.

Then, one hundred years ago, Valka was the capital of Latvia’s national idea and aspirations for an own state. Let us imagine how in the shadow of the First World War, representatives of Latvian public organisations, political parties, and lands gathered in Valka to assume collective responsibility for Latvia.

The declarations of the Latvian Provisional National Council pronounced the demand of Latvians for their own, united Latvia, whose future would be decided by the people themselves instead of foreign powers. By the decisions of the Latvian Provisional National Council, Latvians undertook to shape their destiny themselves without waiting for any favour or mercy from others.

The authors of the declaration believed in Latvia, and they dreamed of the freedom and prosperity of their people. They worked decisively and purposefully to make these dreams come true. We can realise that nobody gave our own country to us precisely here in Valka better than elsewhere. We created our country by our own efforts.

We demanded an independent, united, and democratic Latvia ourselves. We made our way from the Latgale Latvian Congress in Rezekne and the establishment of the Latvian Provisional National Council in Valka until the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia on November 18 and the victory in the Latvian War of Independence.

The Latvian Provisional National Council remains in the shadow unfairly in the story of the formation of statehood in Latvia. Today we know too little about the events of that time and those patriots of Latvia who were not afraid to advocate Latvia in very dangerous and challenging conditions.

The victory of the Bolsheviks in Petrograd and the vast majority of Latvia’s territory coming under the German occupation power bode ill for the future of Latvia. However, people believed in the idea of ​​their country and risked their lives then. They succeeded. They managed to continue constructing a statehood building of Latvia. The building we are currently living in.

They did it with courage and determination. We need such courage and determination for everyone, both these days and in the future. Determination in favour of Latvia. We may not forget the members of the council, the future statesmen of Latvia. Their diplomatic agility and farsightedness laid the foundations for international recognition of our country and allied assistance in the War of Independence.

Looking from the perspective of the centenary of Latvia, we appreciate it very much, because we have had historic moments when we would not protect our country without our allies.

Therefore, it is vital to be inspired by the merits of people from that time and to thank them for having our country. For the fact that we live in a democratic Latvia and that, we are responsible for what Latvia will be in the future.

I wish you an exciting discussion during the conference leading to profound reflections! Let us be inspired and let us remember that! Let us honour those patriots who took the decision crucial for the state of Latvia here in Valka, where the way towards our own country began!

Valsts prezidenta uzruna pie Brīvības pieminekļa Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas 99. gadadienā