Edgars Rinkēvičs
Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča uzruna rezervistu militārās apmācības kursa zvēresta un izlaiduma ceremonijā

Esteemed Minister of Defence!
Esteemed Commander of the National Armed Forces!
Distinguished guests!

First of all, I would like to congratulate all 93 graduates of the reservist course on successfully completing your training. Today, you will take an oath to be loyal and to serve our country – our Latvia. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to each of you – people from different regions of Latvia, representing various professions and social groups – for your decision to be here, to dedicate three weeks to completing the basic military training course, thereby strengthening the security and defence of our country. For each of you, this has been a deeply personal decision. Each of you has gained new knowledge and skills.

I want to thank your instructors and school officers for their dedication in preparing you to become defenders of our country. It was certainly not easy, and there were undoubtedly challenges, but you have succeeded. In these times of turbulence, when the news is filled with uncertainty, we understand more than ever that our first line of defence is ourselves – our readiness to protect Latvia. The knowledge and skills you have acquired during this training, which you will affirm today with your oath, will serve you not only in everyday life but also, perhaps, in times of crisis.

Therefore, I encourage you to remember this experience, to refresh these skills from time to time, and I wish all of us peaceful skies and a tranquil life, while always remaining prepared to defend our country.

01.03.2025. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča dalība Valsts aizsardzības dienesta karavīru zvēresta ceremonijā