Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents Egils Levits 23. augustā piedalījās pilsoniskās sabiedrības piketā, kas tika rīkots Baltkrievijas tautas demokrātiskās kustības atbalstam

“I myself participated in the Baltic Way 31 years ago and we were well aware and understood at the time what the support for our independence and democracy movement outside Latvia meant. I think it is our duty, as a civil and free society, to also support the demands of the Belarusian people for independent, free and democratic Belarus. Our movement won at the time, and we hope that the democratic movement in Belarus will also achieve its goals,” said President of Latvia Egils Levits.


23.08.2020. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits piedalās pilsoniskās sabiedrības piketā, kas rīkots Baltkrievijas tautas demokrātiskās kustības atbalstam