Egils Levits
logo-Gustavam Zemgalam 150-paraksts

Thursday, 12 August, will be the 150th anniversary of the birth of President of Latvia Gustavs Zemgals. Several official events will take place in honour of the great statesman.

At 12:00 at Riga Forest Cemetery the highest state officials of Latvia will lay flowers at the grave of Gustavs Zemgals to honour the statesman.

At 14:00 in the Festival Hall of Riga Castle a conference dedicated to the 150th birthday of Gustavs Zemgals will be held. The conference will be addressed by President of Latvia Egils Levits, Deputy Speaker of the Saeima Dr. sc. soc. Dagmāra Beitnere-Le Galla and Chair of the Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. iur. Sanita Osipova. The conference will also feature presentations by historians: Prof. Dr. hist. Ilgvars Butulis will present on the topic “Gustavs Zemgals and the Era of the New Current”, Dr. hist. Toms Ķikuts will present on the topic “Gustavs Zemgals in the People’s Council of Latvia”, Prof. Dr. hist. Ēriks Jēkabsons will present on the topic “Political Activity of Gustavs Zemgals”. Closing remarks will be given by Mārtiņš Andersons, great-grandson of Gustavs Zemgals.

At 18:00 in Esplanāde Park in the pedestrian area by Oskars Kalpaks Boulevard an outdoor exhibition “Gustavs Zemgals – 150” will be opened. The exhibition will be open without a time limit and free of charge until 12 September.

On 18 August in the Džūkste Memorial Park by the memorial to Gustavs Zemgals President of Latvia Egils Levits will plant an apple tree in honour of Gustavs Zemgals.